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15th Round finished – Lowest CRS score – 482

By July 29, 2016 February 28th, 2023 No Comments

Canadian Immigration authorities conducted the 15thround of invitations under Express Entry in 2016 and 38th overall, inviting 747 applicants for permanent residence.  It was the fewest number this year.  The lowest Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score was 482 the same score from the previous draw.  It was the 14th draw in 2016 under the Express Entry Program where the lowest CRS score was under 500.

Express Entry is an immigration system implemented by Canadian immigration authorities (“CIC”) on January 1, 2015 which manages skilled worker applications under Federal Economic programs. This includes the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Skilled Trades Program the Canada Experience Class and certain parts of the Provincial Nominee Program.

Stakeholders expect to see future CRS scores well below 500 this year to enable Canadian immigration authorities to meet targeted annual immigration levels for 2016.

What this means for employers

Employers are encouraged to consider securing an LMIA or nomination under provincial nomination programs (PNP’s) to ensure long term retention of employees.

What this means for candidates

It is expected that the majority of applicants to be issued (ITA’s) under Canada’s Express Entry Immigration system in 2016 will require a CRS scores under 500 points, enabling a significant number of applicants to receive permanent residence to Canada without a job offer or nomination under a provincial immigration program.  However, securing an approved offer of employment is highly recommended.