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Newcomers, Here’s How You Can Prepare for Canadian Winter

By December 26, 2018 July 2nd, 2024 No Comments

As a newcomer in Canada, you have reason to look forward to many firsts. The first sighting of Toronto’s skyline along Lake Ontario, the first taste of poutine, the first spring experienced, and so on. The list is endless.

For the thousands who took a fancy to this Northern giant and its welcoming culture, experiencing living in another country can seem very inviting. As justified as the feeling is, it is important to be forewarned against the onslaught of winter.

The negative temperatures and nubbing cold notwithstanding, Canada turns into a festive white wonderland over the first quarter of the season. It is when the New Year dawns, and the worst of the weather overwhelms us, in January and February, that we might start second-guessing our decisions.

However, do not despair, new immigrants. Here are a few useful tips that can help you brace yourself against coarse weather.


Invest In Quality Winter Apparel

A down/ weather-resistant winter jacket and boots are a must. There are many trustworthy brands, which might be slightly expensive. But, they are enduring and last a lifetime.

Thermal innerwear, gloves, mittens, leg warmers, thick socks, and, even winter face masks are available to shield oneself from the harmful mistral.

Consume Foods that Induce Thermogenesis

The feeling of warmth that spreads through your body is due to a metabolic process called thermogenesis. Certain kinds of foods can bring about this reaction in your system, and, thus, are great winter remedies.

Foremost among these is turmeric, followed by ginger, oats, cheese and peppers. Turmeric milk, ginger tea, mac and cheese or toast, black bean soup with peppers, and oatmeal with maple syrup are delicious as well as heartwarming recipes.


Supplement Your Health With Vitamin D

Winters in the West are synonymous with reduced hours of sunlight. The hormone Endorphin, in the body, converts sunlight to Vitamin D, which catalyzes calcium and phosphate production. This, in turn, influences the strength of bones and muscles. Needless to say, the diminished intensity of and minimal sunlight is pernicious to the body, especially for those migrating from the tropics. Arm yourself with Vitamin D supplements to overcome this condition.


Invest In A Portable Heater & Humidifier

Most, if not all, Canadian buildings are equipped with HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) mechanisms, which regulate room temperature. For additional protection, handy portable heaters can be of great help. Due to artificial internal temperatures, there is a build up of vacuum causing extreme dryness. Chapping of lips, dry skin and dry hair are all consequences of this. A humidifier ventilates your surroundings, mitigating breathing difficulties, sinuses and other problems that may occur due to dryness.


Winter-Proof Your Home & Automobile

The idea that winter-care ends with the self is fallacious. Keep your home winter-safe by regularly shovelling snow or getting rid of it with a snowblower. When the snow melts, it can be dangerous – leading to slips, trips and falls. For your vehicle, heated ice scrapers will come of aid in removing sleet and snow build-up on the glass. Warm your car a few minutes before you ride and, fit winter tyres, as well as maintain them, for better traction.