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Canadian CitizenshipPermanent Residents

Impact of Canadian Citizenship on Immigration Status and Rights

By March 11, 2024 July 3rd, 2024 No Comments

With its comparatively open and well-regulated immigration system, Canada remains a top destination for immigrants and refugees. In fact, in 2023, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) reported that more than 354,000 individuals obtained Canadian citizenship. Such citizenship is an exclusive reward offered to those who satisfy Canada’s economic criteria. By accessing publicly funded schools and top-notch healthcare, you can unlock new possibilities for living and working in Canada. This blog will discuss the impact of Canadian citizenship, exploring how acquiring Canadian citizenship can transform one’s legal standing in Canada.

From Permanent Resident to Citizen: A Shift in Status

Interested immigrants can apply for citizenship after residing in Canada for five years or by demonstrating good character and possessing adequate knowledge in either French or English. However, the language requirements could be waived in those circumstances when the immigrant has resided in Canada continuously for 20 years. Besides this, the updated legislation provides married women significant authority over their nationality status. Upon marrying non-Canadian citizens, they would no longer lose their citizenship. In addition to this, Canadian citizenship provides extended stability and ensures the protection of civil liberties under Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, there are many other benefits to Canadian citizenship. Here are some of the additional advantages:

  • Political Participation 

Canada thrives under the governance model of a parliamentary democracy. Upon obtaining your citizenship, you secure the right to vote in every federal election. Beyond federal elections, a wide array of other electoral events, including regular provincial and municipal elections, open up to you. However, those below the age of 18 and individuals diagnosed with a mental illness are ineligible to participate in the voting process.

  • Enhanced Mobility Rights 

A Canadian passport holds greater significance in terms of global travel and has been consistently ranked among the world’s top passports. Becoming a Canadian citizen opens the door to acquiring a Canadian passport, thereby unlocking an abundance of travel opportunities. A Canadian passport grants you the freedom to enter a vast array of countries worldwide without the requirement of obtaining a visa. Similarly, your Canadian passport enables you to re-enter the country more easily compared to permanent residence travel documents.

  • Your Kids will be Canadian

As a Canadian citizen, your children automatically receive citizenship, regardless of whether they are born in Canada or overseas. As a result, they can take the privilege from your status, eliminating the need to undergo the same application process. However, it’s essential to know that if your child is born abroad, you are required to register their birth with the Canadian government to secure their citizenship.

  • Freedom to Live Anywhere

Canadian citizenship often comes with various opportunities, including the freedom to live globally. This means you can live anywhere in the world you like for as long as you want, and you will not lose your citizenship. Contrasting with permanent residency, Canadian citizens are not bound by residency obligations. The only restriction is that Canadians living abroad for a period over five years lose the right to vote in federal elections.


As Canada consistently opens its doors to global immigrants, the journey toward citizenship emerges as a crucial turning point, shaping not only the lives of individuals but also the future of the nation itself. Nonetheless, be aware that spending over five years abroad could relinquish your ability to vote in federal elections. 

Untangling the intricacies involved in acquiring Canadian citizenship can present a formidable challenge. Immigrationway stands out as an indispensable partner for individuals. Through our extensive immigration solutions and dedication to tailored assistance, our team is fully equipped to help individuals seize the expanded opportunities and navigate the streamlined Canadian processes effectively. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you!